Tuesday 16 November 2010

A sweet moment...

Isn't it lovely when a moment is captured that reflects the best in one's children.
This picture speaks to that: compassion, caring, innocence, warmth...
We have to enjoy those moments. Thanks Jill for sharing this lovely moment with us!

Sunday 31 October 2010

Halloween on STERIODS

We just went through the thrilling experience of having Halloween on a Sunday night -- this was after an entire week of build up to the event. There were "Creepy Concerts" (at the kid's schools), school Halloween dances and then tonight, the actual event itself.
We took the event on in style and committed ourselves with full gusto to honour the experience in its entirety. Everyone had a great time planning their outfits and "going for it". . .
The first picture is me at my work on Friday with my work partners, Amanda and Jason. We are the three counselors at the school and decided to go for a theme. I will let you guess what it is...
This was Friday morning before heading to school. Kai and Pippin were quite into the dress up routine.
Here we are as a family, tonight all geared up and ready to go trick or treating.
Pippin the wicked witch!
Skye the very delectable lass with a few bucked teeth...
Kai was Tin Foil ... Man!
During one of our "rockin'" moments...
Trick or treating...
Pippin with her ridiculous loot...
The lush herself.
Fun was had by all!
Until next time...

Monday 4 October 2010

Pippin is a Double Digit Kid!

We just had an action packed weekend over here behind the tweed curtain. A decade has passed since our sweet Pippin came into the world. It is quite something for Skye and I to have two kids who had entered the double digit age...
I have to admit that my weekend was filled with quite a bit of nostalgia. The one minute one is running after little people and then you turn around and a whole new era has dawned on one's life.
Pippin was very cute over the last few weeks in anticipation of turning ten. She has been both very excited and also a little apprehensive at times.
The weekend started with a party/sleep over on Friday night with five of Pippin's closest friends -- a very solid group of young girls. Pippin is still very much in a place where she is embracing being a child and enjoying everything that goes along with it...
Here are some pictures of the event...
The girls boogieing down to some tunes...
Skye made one of her stunning homemade ice-cream cakes....
Layers of delicious ice-cream filled with a layer of chocolate fudge... To die for!!!
Of course there were some healthy pickings as well...
The standard flap-jack breakfast...
Sunday morning on Pippin's actual birthday - she got to open some loot...
Pippin's hot new converse shoes...
The crew at breakfast after a late night of having fun!
Pippin succumbed to an afternoon nap after the party.... She needed to catch up on her sleep...
Wish you were here...
Until next time

Tuesday 31 August 2010

The bounty just keeps coming

We came back to Victoria about a week ago and we have finally managed to "get all our ducks back in a row." The house and garden are back to how we like them to be (that said, Kathryn did a great job while we were away.)
We were thrilled to see that we came back to a lovely bounty of home grown veggies! This was our first big year of getting more serious about growing food, and it has been a definite success. That said, we have already seen many things we could do differently next time, and so we will keep experimenting with new and better ways.
We reworked all our beds and have done some major planting for a good winter garden. With some good fortune, we will be eating lettuce, kale, spinach, chard, pac choi, cabbage, radishes, and more throughout the winter. Victoria seems to have the perfect temperate climate for growing tasty vegetables.
Until next time...

Monday 23 August 2010

Our gorgeous summer nears its end . . .

Hi there folks! We are just a few days away from returning to our lives in Victoria, and so I thought I would post some summer pictures. It has been an interesting summer with a few unusual events . . . for the most part, the pictures speak for themselves.

The West Kootenays continues to be an amazing corner of the world with stunningly gorgeous vistas and outrageously serene spaces that feel very far from the hub of humanity. We feel very fortunate to have this as an annual pilgrimage.

Kai -- our newly adolescent boy!
Pippin and Skye having a pensive moment!
We finally managed to light up or Vietnamese lanterns at the cabin this summer. They look stunning in the evenings. Great for a dinner party or a romantic evening!
Dave and Bay . . .
Dave brought out his brother John to "liven things up . . ."
Delectable Kootenay carrots grown by Sandra Wyllie . . .
Kai caught his first fish and drove his first car this summer . . .
Kai and Uncle Ken with Little Dog . . .
Sandra Wyllie in her beautifully abundant garden . . .
Skye with her fabulous Auntie Nancy . . .
Gorgeous Ian and Lizanne, the temptress . . .
Pippin, Sophie, and Alden (Pippin's second cousin, visiting from Virginia) had a little table at the local market -- they were making and selling bracelets . . .
Skye, Keira, and the Pipster . . .
We went on a stunningly beautiful hike into the alpine this year, to Idaho Peak . . . The wild flowers were out in full glory!
Laura nearing the summit of Idaho Peak . . .
Skye always thinks of these fluffy seed-heads as "Dr. Seuss Plants" . . .
Indian Paintbrush and lichen-covered branches . . .
We have a summer tradition of making peach pies -- Ronato is the Pie-Making King!Some members of Skye's Virginia family also came for a visit this year . . . a fine time was had by all!
I made a quick trip to Vancouver this year to go Cam's dad's memorial service . . .
The McRae-Piccone's leaning on each other . . .
Luca keeping me company before the memorial . . .
Just to keep us on our toes, Nancy broke her hip after a serious fall and needed hip replacement surgery. That was just the tip of the ice berg in this adventure . . .
Ken with the kids in his man cave . . . the perfect place for some fun and respite after hours at the hospital . . .
John and Bay on their 48th wedding anniversary . . .
Ken keeping Pippin in her place!
The boat ride in Robson with Uncle Ken . . .
Kai jumping off the pier at Bigelow Bay . . .
Our secret beach . . . a piece of heaven.
A dead eagle found on the beach . . .

Kai and Jae -- brothers-in-arms, entering this new realm of adolescence . . .

Chloe at her new cabin in the mountains . . .
Jubi, Katie, Rowan and Jae . . . such a lovely family!
Our last day -- saying goodbye to the Kootenays for another year . . .