Monday 8 August 2011

Kootenays 2011

Our secret beach
John and Bay arriving at the beach by rowboat.
John taking in the view
Ronato turning a whopping 45
Kai and Jae - oh-so-cool at 13!
Selena and Haven
The cabin at night
Birthday affection
Year 14 with Jae and Rowan at the cabin
Kai enjoying life - in the hammock on the porch
Jubi and our Peach Pie
The Apple Tree at its best - there is nothing like a Caliente on sourdough!
Meat! . . . and lots of it!!!

Bigelow Bay
A little yoga-pose before jumping.

And . . . the jump!
Centennial Park at its best.
Lovely Nato . . . photo by Kai!

Pippin and Savannah going for a little paddle.
Chloe in summer form
Nothing like a jump from the rocks at Bannock Point!
Sweet Miko
Jin and Jennifer having a chat
Another glorious evening in the Slocan Valley.

Half way to full

The kids on the boat with Roman in Robson

Nothing says, "Fun!" like tubing!!!

Post-tubing relaxation

Dinner at the Wyllie's
Mr. Wyllie himself!
Sandra and her mum Vivian
Roman getting some love from the kids.

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