Monday 31 December 2012

Visit to a local bird sanctuary

The Knysna Lourie -- a well known local bird
A Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill
Skye and Pippin observing some pretty bird or other . . . holding their mouths shut so mishaps wouldn't occur!
Blue and Gold Macaws
This little fellow was very tame - Ronato particularly liked its feet!  We think it was an Olive Thrush.

Starlings in Africa are super pretty - this one is called a Superb Starling!
Some sort of ibis - probably a juvenile Scarlet Ibis.

Florid flamingo!

We think this is a Northern Red Bishop.
Pippin hangin' with a Galah Cockatoo ("galah" is apparently Ozzie slang for "fool" or "idiot" or a gaudy dresser!)

This guy was one of our favourites - a Spotted Dikkop.  At Birds of Eden, one of these was named Douglas, a hand-reared dikkop imprinted on humans.  One did follow us around with a hilarious little uppity walk - we think it might have been the famous Douglas.  We would take him home if we could.

A Crowned Crane.
The wild Blue Crane - the national bird of South Africa.
There was a troop of Baboons as we left the bird sanctuary . . . rustling though peoples belongings and looking for food. Lovely sight but they can be very aggressive animals . . .
Mama baboons and their babies. This was a fabulous final sight down "Animal Alley."

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