Wednesday 18 November 2009

Day 3 - Self Care

I have been at the receiving end of lots of advice lately. Some advice has been well received, whereas, I must admit at times I have wanted to be spared the well intentioned tidbits of how to deal with my current fate. Its funny how these things come back to haunt one: Skye has told me for years that listening is all that is required -- advice can be a tad patronizing! As a counselor to hormone crazed teens I should know this without my lovely wife having to be in the position of saying: "I told you so...".
Well lets just say -- you were right all along, dear! I hope that feels good to hear those words.

So continuing on with the conversation about self-care, which has been a major topic directed towards me from all those well meaning people in my life -- I have been excellent at taking care of myself thus far. My dear friend Cam who I admire so much for his daily self-discipline in the realm of self-care, has taken me under his wing and enlisted me in his yoga boot camp. As Skye said last night I will soon be a "Yoga Divo" (masculine for Yoga diva). It has been good to take on the daily Yoga routine with him -- it is very good to work on stretching out all my limbs and to be more conscious of my breathing. My mother would be proud!
I have also heeded the advice of many and made sure that I rest lots throughout the day. Two things have helped this practice so far. For one, we have had torrential rain for some days now -- known locally as the Pineapple express (because the weather systems passing through have their origins in the Hawaiian tropics). The desire to hibernate is strong in this kind of weather. The other contributing factor is the radiation itself -- it is making me very tired already. I thought it might take longer to unleash its action on me but I have been quite wiped out. So, let it be know I am resting up plenty!


  1. I'm so glad that my words of wisdom are finally sinking in (tee hee!) This is of course said with love and affection. I am so thankful that you have Cam to be there with you, and helping you reconnect with your yoga practice.

    A load of love and kisses blowing your way on that Pineapple Express,

    xxoo Skye

  2. the amazing images you select convey more than a thousand words...
