Monday 30 November 2009

Day 11: The weight of departure

Just like the end of the week is filled with elation and excitement for the time to be had with the family, the flip side is the weight of departure after the weekend. I know this all sounds a little melodramatic, but when kids miss you they let you know!
Monday mornings are a little heart wrenching for me right now. Long sweet goodbyes from Kai and Pippin make me feel special and very loved. This will be a good week in that Wednesday is already hump-day for all the treatments. I will be exactly half way and instead of climbing the mountain, I will be on the descent.

I have been working extra hard at trying to avoid all the dreaded germs out there right now. The combination of being in peak flu season and my slightly lowered immune system has meant that I have had to be quite vigilant about hand washing and cautious about where I put my hands in public spaces. Yesterday I felt like I was coming down with something and so resorted to some "Oil of Oregano" -- it seemed to nip it in the bud nicely. One of the concerns is that when I wear the mask for treatments, my mouth is biting down on a fitted piece and so the only breathing I can do is my nose. If I get congested, it will make the treatments very difficult. I really want to get through the next five weeks with no interruptions.
Well that is about as exciting as my process is this morning. I have a ferry to catch and need to be on my way.
Until later...

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