Tuesday 17 November 2009

Here we go -- Day 1

Well the first day has come and gone. I think getting past the anticipation was a very good thing. The whole family has gone through a little bit of a build up to this whole "treatment" thing and now that it is underway the whole thing can be normalized. There was definite sadness on all sides with parting (filled with a healthy dose of vulnerability) but it will certainly be a growing experience. We will all be stronger for it by the end. It is these little experiences in life that makes one take stock of how lucky one is. I have so much wealth in my life and I am not taking it for granted right now.
So the first day was a little busy ... packing, dropping kids off at school (with a little added emotion), a rain drenched ferry ride and then making it to the appointment. Mo was a star and came with me for some moral support. It was lovely to have his calming presence with me. A little like having Peter Sellers from "Being There" at my side. What a wonderful man!
The appointment involved some very skilled medical practitioners, picking up on all the cues that I was new to this whole thing, showing me the ropes and showing lots of compassion. There was a lengthy period of adjusting equipment and making sure that the radiation target zone would be accurate. Then we finally got on with it... In a matter of 15 to 20 minutes I had the radiation treatments. I was pinned down to a high tech looking bed with this Darth Vader mask that kept me very immobilized. It was definitely very claustrophobic but I simply did some good visualizations -- some how Slocan Lake always seems like a good place to visit in those stressful moments. The radiation is much like having X-rays... That said I did feel a little weird for the rest of the evening. I never really worked out if it was the emotion behind the whole experience or the radiation itself. I came home to the warmth of Cam and Cristina's home and pretty much crashed like a log. Sleep was the best thing for me to cope with day one.
Speak soon

1 comment:

  1. Nato,
    Just to let you know that I have been watching your blog and all my thoughts are with you. I love the art. I know exactly what you mean when you say that being away from your kids is terrible. I hate being away. Also it is quite wierd how one's whole identity seems wrapped up in the role you play, being your career. Holding thumbs and will pray for you. Lots of love Perino
