Wednesday 2 December 2009

Day 13: Hump Day - Oh yeah!

It is official. I am now on the descent from the mountain I have been climbing. Today is humpday and it feels really good!
People keep asking me: How are you feeling?
The truth is that radiation appears to affect people very differently. As I reflect back my first week of treatment it was an intensely emotional one, with the whole build up to treatment and the experience of becoming a patient. I now think it is hard to separate the radiation from my emotional reaction to the situation for those first few days.
Now that I am in my third week I am calmer about the whole experience and so I think I am dealing more with the actual radiation side effects. I actually think I am doing remarkably well. The main thing that I experience is fatigue and a need to rest quite a lot. There are some days where I almost feel completely normal and then others where I feel the need to get lots of horizontal time.

Ironically, I think it is Skye who has the harder end of the deal here. She has to carry all the usual demands of her life and then deal with my exit on top of it all. Skye's life without this health wrinkle of mine involves coping with a new job that is very demanding, working on her studies in the evenings and weekends (her special education diploma) and then dealing with the emotional needs of the kids at this very delicate time. Thank goodness Bay is in the mix to keep the ship running in the right direction.
Meanwhile, I get to rest when I want, sleep endless hours, read, watch mindless TV, go on walks, visit with friends and generally take care of myself. So for all you well meaning people out there give Skye some well deserved attention and support. I am doing very well on this whole journey.
There is my sermon for the day! Until tomorrow...

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